So I took the Star Trek Character Test
Your results:
You are Spock
| You are skilled in knowledge and logic. You believe that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. ![]() |
Like Momma always said... "Idle hands are the devil's workshop." Therefore, I'm usually making something all the time, typically knitting or crocheting the project du jour. View my creations, read my ramblings and leave your comments.
Your results:
You are Spock
| You are skilled in knowledge and logic. You believe that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. ![]() |
I've been ever so busy working on "The Dress That Never Ends" for Miss Knotty. I hope to have it ready for the fall. The back is finished. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel now as I am about to complete the bodice on the front. I will post a pic of it soon!
I've also been busy with some ebay selling - cleaning out and selling some items that I purchased just to resell on the web. So far so good. Trying to get some new furniture with the money I've made. Right now I only have earned enough to pay for part of a cushion on a sofa, better stay at it!
Throw in some housework, time with a child who loves to walk and explore the world every waking moment and you can see where the time got off to.