Tuesday, December 12, 2006

FOB #13

What, as a mature, rational adult, do you still believe beyond all fact and reason?

13. That I WILL be a size 10 again.

12. That your own gas will never smell as bad to you as someone elses.

11. That Bret Favre will win a Super Bowl ring.

10. That my youngest labrador retriever will grow up and calm down.

9. Intentionally left blank!

8. That one of these days I will get my basement clean.

7. That one of these days I will knit and crochet my way through my yarn stash! HA!

6. That my dear husband will finally understand me and give "girl-like" responses when I'm having a crisis, and that he will not take the typical-male "What-do-you-want-me-to-do-about-it" position.

5. That my child will rapidly pass through her terrible 2's.

4. That there are angels among us. One brought us our daughter. Really happened.

3. That God has a plan for me in this life and beyond.

2. I beleive the children are our future. Teach them well and let them lead the way. Show them all the beauty they possess inside.

1. That music soothes the savage beast. It sure calms down Miss K!


At 7:37 AM, Blogger Ann said...

I think I should add over half of your list onto mine!
Especially numbers 12, 9, 8 (but change it Granny's room & the computer room), 7, 6, oh heck, your dog and Bret Farve and about the only ones that don't apply to me in any way!


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